“Peace does not mean the absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways.” Dalai Lama XIV

As a psychotherapist, I am dedicated to helping people find peace of mind. As a human being, I seek peace in my own life. As an observer of human life, I see the healthy beauty emerging from those who cultivate peaceful lives and practices. And, I see the various forms of misery and destruction emanating from those who don’t.

It is imperative that we learn to practice peace, and that we do so on purpose.

Peace is a multifaceted gem. It permeates our personal, relational, and communal lives. Miriam Webster acknowledges each level in this definition:


  1. State of tranquility or quiet
  2. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
  3. Harmony in personal relations
  4. Freedom from civil disturbance
  5. State of security or order within community
  6. Pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity

Webster defines what it means to practice:

  1. To perform and activity or exercise a skill repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s proficiency

And, purpose is described as:

  1. Intent
  2. The feeling of being determined to do or achieve something
  3. The aim or goal of a person

Practicing peace on purpose requires conscious cultivation of health in our individual emotional and psychological lives. It asks of us that we learn to acknowledge and then to appreciate the differences in personality types. And, to communicate in respectful, effective ways that increase understanding, intimacy, and cooperative problem solving. It demands that we incorporate these practices into the complex systems of organizations, communities, and global enterprise.

Tall order? Worth the effort?

Because I believe that our response to this challenge is worth the effort, I am launching this blog site dedicated to offering educational pieces towards this end. Included will be articles on depression, anxiety, stress, transitions, co-dependency, and other forms of “disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions”. There will be pieces offering recommended remedies for those states of mind; psychotherapy (the “talking cure”), meditation, and relaxation training, to name a few.  Blog posts will address healthy communication strategies and creative conflict resolution.

It is my desire and intent that you will find this site informative, meaningful, and enjoyable. And, that it will prove to be helpful to you as you seek to lead your life in the healthiest manner.

Should you wish, you may subscribe here. Posts will occur throughout the year, but you will not be inundated with them.

In this New Year, may we all find our own ways to Practice Peace on Purpose.

