Ode To Spring

Ode To A Georgia Spring In Springtime there the dogwood rides a cavalry in white. And red-bud captains scarlet cloaked are flanked on left and right. ‘Tis fleetingly those flowered troops so arrogant-so gay ride up and ore the Georgian hills and suddenly away. James D. McCollum "Something dies, but something [...]

2020-04-16T20:57:44+00:00April 14th, 2020|

Meditation: A Bath For The Brain

Meditation: A Bath for the Brain “My brain took a bath in Your brook. Now it bubbles.” Martha 1976 My favorite form of learning is to stumble into truth experientially, and then, to gain intentional knowledge through research and study. Such was my introduction to a life long love affair with the [...]

2018-08-28T18:54:08+00:00August 25th, 2018|

Silver-Cups-How Healing Happens

Silver Cups How Healing Happens   To a South Georgia Baby boomer, the image may be a silver cup grown tarnished. To the gardener, a rusted trowel. To the mechanic, a corroded engine part. To the inner-city dweller, buildings in disrepair. Each of us experiences natural corrosion over time. Loss of the [...]

2020-03-23T01:12:18+00:00May 15th, 2018|
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