Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation "Ultimately, I see mindfulness as a love affair - with life, with reality and imagination, with the beauty of your own being, with your heart and body and mind, and with the world." Jon [...]
Mindfulness Meditation "Ultimately, I see mindfulness as a love affair - with life, with reality and imagination, with the beauty of your own being, with your heart and body and mind, and with the world." Jon [...]
Meditation: A Bath for the Brain “My brain took a bath in Your brook. Now it bubbles.” Martha 1976 My favorite form of learning is to stumble into truth experientially, and then, to gain intentional knowledge through research and study. Such was my introduction to a life long love affair with the [...]
Meditation: Polishing The Cup If you are irritated by every rub, how will you ever get polished? Rumi Rubbing away our accumulated tarnish is ultimately an act of love. And yet, in the beginning, it feels a lot like work. The false selves that we create often have very specific purposes which [...]